(Not the actual one we saw)
He looked at me as if he had just found gold. He loves any kind of emergency vehicle and makes the siren sound when he sees them. Sure enough as he sat so proud in the cart and we walked to the car all I could hear was "weeeeeo weeeeeeeeeo." I was laughing but in my head I was thinking, "Dear God, please let someone be in this truck so he can sit in it."
Sure enough we pulled up right to our car and a fireman yelled out the window, "Hey little man." That was enough to get Hudson to almost jump out of the cart. The nice, nice, nice fireman got out and gave Hudson a high five. We talked for a minute about how old he is, he had an 18 month old little boy and we compared notes. After watching Hudson lunge several times for the firetruck he asked if it would be ok for him to sit in it. "Sure!" I said. So he lunged again for the fireman while I fished around for my camera, only to realize it was at home, thank gosh for phones. (All this time my groceries- milk, icecream, yogurt, etc are all sitting in the cart in the sun.)
Hudson sat in the drivers seat and was hesitant for a minute. But after a while, he was so proud. He reached for all the buttons, steered the wheel and played with the new sticker fireman badge the nice fireman gave him.

The big belly hanging out and half a croc on his foot is how he rolls now!
After a minute or so, I reached up to get him and he literally slapped my hand away and said, "NO, NO!" The fireman said it was fine and he sat with him while I finally loaded the car. At this point another few moments had gone by and I reached for Hudson again.... "NO, NO MAMA." I was getting a little embarrassed. Clearly Hudson runs the show. Finally 2 other firemen started to walk towards us with a cart full of groceries. They all talked to Hudson and I realized that now it really was time to go. I tried to explain to him that the firemen had to go to work. I am sure he had no idea what I was really saying, he is 15 months old. But I feel like if we try and explain things to him, it will help in the long run. He started crying as I climbed in and picked him up (those trucks are tall). They let him beep the horn to which he let out a big giggle. But as soon as I said, "Say bye and thank you." He lost it again. We waved to the men, I thanked them a million times, one of them found a fire safety book and more stickers and gave it to Hudson but even that did not help the tears. We got buckled into his car seat to go home and he was still crying. He kept saying "tut, tut" which I assume is "truck".I realized that it was way past his lunch time so I stopped at the Village Deli to get him a grilled cheese. He was still whinny. But the tears soon ended after he ate. Obviously my boy has a thing for fire tuts!
Looks like we will be baking some goodies to take up to the fire station by our house in hopes of Hudson sitting in a truck again soon. This time with his daddy who handles meltdowns better than I do.
How cute is he!! You can tell he totally loved it! Hope your milk, etc. made it in the heat!