~ I am still exhausted. I woke up this morning and my entire body hurt. I hope I am not coming down with something.
~ I plan on spending Hudson's morning nap catching up on DVR. Ours currently says it is 93% full. I am not doing any housework, chores or running errands today. I want to spend the day with just my favorite little guy. I have not had him to myself in over a week. I may even stay in my pajamas all day.
~ Modern Family starts this week and Jonathan is almost running an hourly countdown for it. It is our favorite show ever.
~ I am having a cooking funk. Nothing sounds good to me except the idea of eating out. Any and all recipe suggestions are welcome.
~ My baby turns 15 months old this week. There are so many times that I ache for him to be a little baby again and to be able to hold and snuggle him all day. I cannot believe what a big boy he is becoming and what a personality he has developed.
Have a great Monday! I am off to curl up on the sofa with another cup of coffee and catch up on my shows from last week.
YEAH MODERN FAMILY!! We cannot wait here either!! Try ourbestbites.com. They have some great and easy stuff that have been big hits here! I hate being in a cooking funk, nothing looks or sounds good. Hopefully that site will help!