We just got back from his 15 month checkup and he did great. Jonathan could not go with us, so I had to survive actually watching him get his shots. I am usually in the corner with my eyes closed, it pains me to see him so upset. But he did great. I snuggled him while the nurse was pricking him and at one point he actually tried to choke me. It was pretty comical. This is what he looks like right at this moment- the doctor really took it out of him
15 month stats
Height: 32 1/4 (82 percentile)
Weight: 26.8 pounds (77th%)
Shoe Size: 5
Clothes Size: Mostly 24 month, but some 18 month stuff still fits, thank goodness
Diaper Size: 5
Food: grilled cheese, peas, carrots, green beans, bananas, blueberries, chicken nuggets, fish, cheese, oranges, kiwi, pancakes, pasta, mashed potatoes, turkey, ham and bologna (I cannot watch him eat that). He does have a food allergy to strawberries and baked apples.
Words and Phrases: He is not much of a talker, he more of less squeals and sings but he does say, "Danks" (thank you), "Dat" which we think is dog, yep, no, mommy, daddy, Bay, sissy or "cha-cha" (Bailey), "mi" (milk), hey and bye.
I can ask him to bring me something such as his juice, ball or any toy and he will go get it for me. He can put all of his shapes in the shape sorter and he loves to stack blocks. He loves stickers, he can take them off the page and put them on paper by himself. He is still completely and madly in love with Bailey. He has become very attached to his blankies. He could look at books all day long. He loves the park and his friends and family. He has a fascination with the dishwasher, Bailey's food and dog bowls, remotes, the computer and cell phones. He will pitch a fit if the phone rings and I do not give it to him. He loves to talk to his 2 year old cousin, Caroline on the phone.
If you ask him for a kiss or a love, he will lay his head right on your lips or cheek (he must be a germaphobe like me and protect his lips). He loves to take his shorts and diaper off. He could play in the bath tub all day. When we tell him it is time to eat, he walks right to his highchair and lifts his arms for you to put him in. If you ask him "how funny is mommy?" he will stretch his arms out as far as he can. He makes a touchdown sign and sometimes howls when we say "Go Pack!" He loves to hold 1 finger up as if he is telling you that he is 1 year old. He can point out body parts, but he mainly does it with Bailey, that poor dog. Trains, trucks and cars are his favorite toys right now. He is a dancing machine and loves to "stir it up." He has started bobbing his head along to music in the car. He is quite the entertainer.
I know I say it all the time but we are so lucky to be him parents!!! What a precious child he is. Happy birthday, little guy.
How cute is he!! How did you find out about his allergy to those foods? That must've been scary! He is perfect!