1. The Boberry biscuit was amazing. Hudson and I each ate one. He paired his with peaches and I sucked down a sweet tea.
2. Hudson is an offical library card carrier! After months or going to the library, I signed him up for his own card now. I guess that means when I forget to return them by the due date, we take the money out of his piggy bank to teach him responsibility.... I kid, I kid. He was so excited when the librarian handed him his bright yellow card. He also got a treat bag for signing up..... a new board book, stickers, pictures to color and a pencil. He loves books.
3. When we got home from the library and Bojangles, we took Bailey to the dog park. It is such a beautiful day!. Hudson laughed hysterically at Bailey chasing her tennis ball and barking for me to throw it again. He sat in the grass and discovered leaves, sticks and dirt. He also walked around some but kept falling because he was laughing so hard.
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