- My mama is coming to help us out this week. We have a really busy week so I am so excited to have extra hands. We have not seen her since the end of July so it will be nice to see her play with Hudson and see how busy he is now. She has not even seen him walk yet!
- We are getting flu shots tomorrow. Big chance I may be the biggest whiner out of the family.
- Thursday Jonathan and I are going to the NC State football game. It will be my 1st game in over 2 years. Sporting my hot, fat, post baby body was not on my to-do list last year. I am excited to spend time with Jonathan and our friends but there is something about tailgating that freaks me out. Cooking out, eating on the back of our truck that is parked in a dirt parking lot and using plastic utensils is weird. I very well may be the weirdo who takes a salad and bottled water.
- I realized today that giving Hudson his favorite truck to play with at nap time was not a good idea. He wanted to bang it against the wall until he fell asleep.
- I already miss summer pool hours. Opening at 4 does not work for me.
- Hudson's Halloween costume came last week and I almost peed my pants. He is going to be a giraffe and I could keep him in that outfit everyday, he looked so cute. He on the other hand HATES it. He hates anything that has to go on his head and this definitely has a head piece. Jonathan and I spent almost 3 months debating what he was going to be. I am praying that this is not the last year that I can dress him up all cute and cuddly. I dread him asking to be Spider Man and Batman.

- All of "my shows" start this week and next week. I cannot wait. I just have no idea how I am supposed to find time to watch them.
- Yesterday we took our furbaby and real baby to the dog park to play. Hudson was laughing, trying to throw Bailey her ball and running around with us. Jonathan and I were laughing and saying how we think the age that Hudson is now is his most fun age. He is really interactive. I also think this is his most challenging age. He is very busy and trying to figure things out.... how to take picture frames off the bookshelf, how to get into the china cabinet, how to unhook the lamps. He keeps me on my toes, fo sho!
- Hudson decided last night that he did not want to sleep in his pajama pants. He played so quietly until he fell asleep and when I went in to check on him before I went to bed, he had taken off his pants and socks and thrown them on the floor. He also had covered himself in his "cannot sleep without" bird blanket and white blanket from his Aunt Woob. What a character.
- I read 2 books this past weekend. "Love the One You're With" and "Heart of the Matter" both by Emily Giffin. I have never read 2 books in one weekend in my life. I felt so sick and spent every moment that I could in bed while Hudson napped.
That actually may be all my thoughts. Have a great week and do not forget to look at the cute dog collars in the post below!
How awesome your Mom is coming!! I love it when my Mom comes, she makes such a huge difference. Hope you get to rest and have fun at the game!